Kalen Stanton

Posts by Kalen Stanton

Building COVID-19 Vaccine Advocacy for Healthcare Organizations from the Inside-Out

Health care providers will receive potentially lifesaving COVID-19 vaccines in the coming weeks. The biggest obstacle sn’t access to freezer space or distribution – it's convincing caregivers and then the public to get the vaccine. Here are three critical ingredients to getting authentic buy-in from within your organization.
meaningful end-of-life conversations


In this session, we are joined by Dr. Michael Wilson of the Mayo Clinic. Dr. Wilson studies the end-of-life experience of care in the ICU and has augmented his focus in response to the unique needs and circumstances that have been brought to light by COVID-19.

Patient Experience Lexicon in the New Normal: How Would You Like Your T(ea)?

Since people can “shop” for health care just as they scroll the internet researching their next car purchase, it’s clear that patients are now customers.


Our health industry expert and managing director, Kalen Stanton, and Vanderbilt Health leaders Dr. Paul Sternberg, Chief Medical Officer and Brian Carlson, Senior Director of Patient Experience, share insight on how to inspire and engage clinical teams to deliver personalized patient care.

Leading Through a Crisis

In this episode, we’re tackling the very current topic of leading during a crisis. We want to share insight on what health care leaders – and leaders in all industries – should be doing to help guide their people during this unprecedented and very worrisome time.

Enriching the Employee Experience: 7 Guiding Principles to Creating Healthy Teams

When it comes to healthcare, the patient experience is always paramount. But the employee experience must be core to the organization’s strategy and culture.

Your Next Great Leadership Story

Leaders need to tell stories because facts tell, and stories sell. Stories create connections. I feel like everyone does have a good story to tell; they just always don't know how to organize their facts in a compelling way.

Why Your Data Story Is Really About Trust

Our latest In Light of Change podcast features change leaders Dr. Alison Tothy and Eric Passon discussing the power of marrying data with storytelling.

What’s the Purpose? Navigating the Uncertainty of Change

If we don’t have that clarity of purpose and direction from the why standpoint, then how much harder is it to envision what our desired future state?