It’s amazing what a fear-free, open environment will do in terms of encouraging people to share ideas. If people know it’s not only safe, but that they are welcomed to share their thoughts and opinions in the workplace, the floodgates will open. You will be swimming in a sea of positively charged, passionate ideas.
So, how do you ensure that your organization is truly thinking and talking together, openly? Most importantly, you listen. Absorb the information so you can speak to your workforce in a way that will relate to them and help drive the change you believe your organization needs.
When you remove the fear, you gain trust — in each other, in ideas, and in the fact that your problems indeed have a solution. This sparks creativity and the possibility of people coming together to create the change. The best part is that co-creation leads to a certain mood, a mojo, which will spread throughout your organization. It sets a tone that is contagious. People end up enjoying the work they are doing to achieve your end goal. It’s less of a chore and more of an exciting endeavor that your organization will embrace with open arms.
Brian Donovan, Director of Insights and Client Solutions, Jason Stafne and Michael Champion, Senior Conceptors, all from Root, explore the impact of Group Mojo in their Watercooler® article (along with some great visuals).
What will it take to create group mojo in your organization?
How do you make it safe for people to share their thoughts and ideas openly?