Just picture how amazing your organization could be – how everyone, from top to bottom, truly gets why change is crucial, what needs changing the most, and how each individual contributes to our collective success. Sound like a lofty dream, getting everyone on board and excited about the bigger picture of your strategy, so they’re all working together to make your business thrive? Think again!
(In short: Enter the Root Learning Map® Experience)
- Every single person knew the ins and outs, from the tech advancements like AI to the fierce competition and market realities that shape our business landscape.
- Our team had a crystal-clear understanding of our strategy that goes way beyond vague visions and missions, something truly focused and meaningful.
- Everyone grasped our core strengths, knowing exactly what skills they need to conquer the future according to our strategy.
- Each of us realized how crucial it is to boost our margins and understood how our efforts play into that.
- We all saw where our money comes from, how tough it is to earn, and the nitty-gritty of achieving sustainable, profitable growth.
- It was a no-brainer that innovation is a must.
- We took customer value way more seriously than just throwing around customer service catchphrases.
- The importance of delivering returns to our shareholders was clear, especially in a cutthroat market with loads of investment options.
- We acknowledged that not all customers are cut from the same cloth.
- We moved past empty slogans and really got down to the nitty-gritty of engaging and inspiring our people.
Some might roll their eyes at the thought of getting every single person to truly understand what makes our business tick. But you know what? It’s not only possible; it’s what every organization should be striving for. Yep, getting everyone invested in the big strategy picture through strategy activation isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s a must for real success!
The following are a rundown of a few straightforward (though not necessarily simple) steps that you and fellow leaders can adopt to effectively activate strategic change within your organization. Spanning from open communication to exemplifying desired behaviors, and even redefining the finish line as a new beginning, these steps are designed to guarantee you have the edge on activating change as a beneficial force throughout your organization.

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Improvisation might be your thing if you’re a master like Lin-Manuel Miranda creating “Hamilton.” But even the genius behind that musical never attempted to lead a massive crowd in an epic jam session. When it comes to making significant changes, achieving real success requires a solid process. Of course, having skilled individuals can take you quite far, but relying solely on talent won’t cut it. A harmonious, choreographed symphony of collaborative effort is the requisite instrument that many business leaders, regrettably, set aside prematurely.
What to do
Discovering a change process that aligns with your preferences is paramount (by the way, we’ve got a suggestion for you). Irrespective of the approach you take, an effective process entails well-defined stages to ensure unanimous agreement among all leaders concerning a particular strategy. Moreover, it encompasses techniques for seamlessly introducing that strategy organization-wide. A truly exceptional process – precisely the kind that’s indispensable – lays down a roadmap for ongoing enhancements, safeguarding the enduring stability of your strategic achievements. And all this in a thoroughly positive manner, of course!
According to a 2013 survey by Booz & Co., a significant fifty-four percent of executives harbor reservations regarding the effectiveness of their current company strategies. This statistic is quite telling – more than half. When those in leadership doubt the very strategies they advocate, it inevitably influences the broader team, leading to a dip in enthusiasm among our dedicated workforce. Enthusiasm? It’s unfortunately at a low ebb. The reality is, a majority of managers and frontline employees possess thoughtful considerations about whether leaders genuinely embody the ideals they champion.
This underscores precisely why the bedrock of successful change is rooted in a united, fully committed, and all-embracing leadership team. Although strategy might primarily be an intellectual exercise in the upper echelons, for the rest of the organization, it’s a terrain fraught with emotions – they are the individuals most profoundly affected by it. They are the ones who make the conscious choice to incorporate it into their day-to-day lives. Without their alignment, any departure from the current state of affairs is destined to fall short.
What to do
To be an effective leader, you’ve got to keep it real while maintaining a professional touch. Start by getting a solid grip on the current state of the organization – no sugarcoating. Then, muster up the courage to address the roadblocks that are standing in the way of success. Next, craft a crystal-clear vision of the future state that we’re aiming for – no fuzziness allowed. Once that’s set, rally the team around the necessary cultural shifts that will drive our strategic success. And don’t forget, as a leader, you need to lead the way in embracing these changes – be the trailblazer in walking the talk.

The influence of social media has clearly demonstrated that everyone possesses their own viewpoint. Yet, in the midst of this multitude of anonymous viewpoints, there are certain observations that warrant no heed. However, the same principle cannot be extended to opinions originating within your own organization. Frequently, the insights of frontline personnel are either dismissed or relegated to the realm of the suggestion box, fading into obscurity. This outcome is rather peculiar when one considers that it’s the employees who must bear the consequences of leadership decisions. They are the ones with an intimate understanding of what’s effective and what’s not, often holding valuable insights on how to enhance processes. Deliberating on potential changes from their perspective carries no negative implications; rather, it serves as a catalyst for crafting an actionable strategy that garners universal support.
What to do
Here’s the drill: Ask, listen, and then do it all over again. Seriously. At the very least, leadership needs to factor in the viewpoints of every single person impacted by the new strategy. And by every, we mean everyone – even the customers. But you know what’s even better? Taking it a step further. Instead of locking your team up in the C-suite, trying to sort things out with gigantic sticky notes and spreadsheets, make a move. Get out there, virtually and physically, and have a heart-to-heart with your people. Ask them how they’d tackle the major challenges that your business faces. Trust us, their answers won’t just catch you off guard, they’ll actually inspire you. When it’s all said and done, your solutions and strategies won’t just be stronger, they’ll have the built-in support of practically everyone needed to drive change – and do it remarkably well.
Everyone’s got their own style when it comes to dealing with change. Some opt for cautious steps, others dive headfirst into the unknown, and then there are those who plant themselves firmly in the status quo’s comfort zone for as long as possible. In the grand scheme, though, most folks navigate change through these three phases:
Change inevitably demands leaving some things behind. It might be a process, a tech platform, a preferred method, or even a whole department. And let’s be real, that can be quite the challenge for some folks.
This is the tricky and sometimes perplexing period sandwiched between saying goodbye to the old ways and fully embracing – or even just getting the hang of – the new.
In this phase, people start finding their rhythm with the new methods and, with a bit of luck, begin to experience the benefits that come with the changes.
What to do
Leaders and managers should recognize that people experience losses during the process of change. For many, it’s simply a loss of comfort (which isn’t necessarily a negative thing). But for others, it might involve changes to their job title or responsibilities. Demonstrating genuine care for these concerns through channels like town hall meetings and one-on-one talks can significantly aid the transition for everyone involved.
Equally important is the need to recalibrate expectations concerning individuals’ roles, duties, and their approach to new procedures. Achieving this becomes much smoother when you’ve adequately equipped your managers to guide their teams through the transformation, rather than just being bystanders. And remember, the objective is to help everyone reach the finish line – not necessarily all at the same time. Attempting that would be a futile endeavor. Provide ample opportunities for learning, questions, and problem-solving. If you intend for the process to advance, make sure it truly unfolds as a meaningful progression.

Within the organizational framework, managers serve as the vital bridge connecting senior leadership and the workforce. Paradoxically, they frequently remain in the shadows when it comes to cultivating the potential of their team members – a deficiency that can render even the most meticulously devised change strategy ineffective. Attaining success hinges upon the preparedness of managers to wield the communication, interpersonal, team-building, and personalized coaching proficiencies that are often assumed but not always present. Furthermore, they must possess the ability to grasp the strategic vision and translate it into terms comprehensible and appealing to each individual under their charge.
What to do
Be the Nick Fury to their Avengers squad and equip them with everything they need to get the mission accomplished. Managers should be well-versed in the strategy, its objectives, and the impact it aims for. They need to understand the required changes and why these changes will drive success. They should have a clear understanding of how they lead their teams and what success means for their departments. These managers are the forefront change-makers, so use every tool in the arsenal – from training sessions and virtual group chats to one-on-one discussions – to ensure they’re not just prepared for change, but ready to shine.
Similar to a corporate interpretation of Newton’s Third Law, each change initiative set in motion by leadership triggers a counteraction (with the hope it’s not equally intense). It’s a natural phenomenon. However, much like uranium, resistance is also part of the equation. To prevent this resistance from becoming radioactive, a proactive approach to confronting it is essential.
What to do
Adopt your own Newton-esque approach. Whenever a problem or disagreement arises, make sure you’ve got a logical response in your toolkit. Instead of evading concerns, address and resolve them. This demonstrates the validity of the second step mentioned earlier: showcasing that leadership is genuinely engaged and open to input from all parties throughout the process. Also, consider incorporating a touch of patience into your strategy. Experiment with implementing changes in different segments of the organization, with the foresight to make adjustments on the fly. This proactive fine-tuning process is aimed at showcasing the effectiveness of these changes. The slight delay you might experience is an investment that will yield substantial dividends in the long haul, as you witness your company’s internal transformation from the ground up.

The foundation of remarkable success often rests on minor achievements. If you’re aiming to fuel the momentum of success, it’s wise to acknowledge accomplishments – be they on an organizational scale or individual level – throughout the entire company. The objective? Infuse enthusiasm and cultivate a sense of progress. After all, effective change isn’t just about having a solid strategy; it’s also about the art of bringing that strategy to life in a compelling manner.
What to do
Take those initial wins – no matter how seemingly small – and shape them into compelling success stories worth sharing. And then, of course, share them. This approach demonstrates both the range of results you’re striving for and highlights that leadership is ready to celebrate achievements, regardless of position or rank. This recognition packs a potent motivational punch for the entire organization.
People are wired to forget. Unless something is repeatedly discussed or studied, it sticks in short-term memory for a while before being jettisoned into oblivion. So if you want your change to stick, you have to keep the dialogue flowing. Doing so will not only keep the news top of mind, but bring greater clarity to what is and isn’t working. Which leads to more discussions and even more success.
What to do
Town hall gatherings and manager meetings serve as excellent avenues to maintain an ongoing dialogue. Throw questions out there like “How’s everything going?” and “Is there something we haven’t touched upon that you need?” or, if you want to add some sweetness, “Would you like another donut?” (Pastries do have a way of elevating meetings, after all.) If you’ve got an intranet, Microsoft Teams, or even a Slack channel, it’s a smart move to foster discussions there too. It’s crucial that managers encourage open conversations within their teams. The more individual dialogues unfold, the more deeply embedded the change becomes. Above all, you and your leaders need to practice what you preach. We might have mentioned this before, and we might say it again. But it’s simply that crucial. Leadership must embody the behaviors they want to see, set the right examples, applaud victories, and, well, do what leaders do best – lead.

Keeping everyone’s focus on the end goal can be quite the challenge if they don’t have a crystal-clear understanding of what that goal actually entails. Without a grasp of the prize (or the milestones that lead to it), trying to synchronize efforts towards achieving it becomes a mission impossible. Ultimately, change will occur, but not exactly in the manner you had in mind.
What to do
Ensure both your long-term and shorter-term objectives are tangible and straightforward. Then, keep providing updates on your progress. And when we say updates, we mean frequently – even more frequently than you might initially think. The more individuals witness how their actions directly impact the success of the new strategy, the more motivated they’ll be to strive for even greater accomplishments. This creates a cycle of triumph that benefits the company, your team, and your customers for years to come.
Change is a given, but the truly beneficial and strategic kind is well-thought-out, strategically positioned, skillfully executed, and continually upheld. In fact, it’s an essential component of any organization’s journey toward growth. By adhering to the systematic process outlined in these nine steps, you can guide individuals smoothly out of their comfort zones and guide them toward a new, more prosperous, and more fulfilling business approach.
Is your organization ready?
Nearly a thousand organizations across the globe have ignited transformative movements that have spread from the top-tier executives to the front lines and every corner in between, all through the use of the Root Learning Map® Experience. They’ve had the firsthand experience of witnessing how astonishingly effective it is at transforming their personnel from mere onlookers into formidable game-changers.